"a rising tide deepsixes all boats", on recursion and recombinance.

There was a kind of echo in the emptiness, a reverberation of caterwauls, and stomach spasms, and of the fog by the river, it was sort of several feet segmented above the terra firma, reaching smokily into a gray sky of mistules and somnambulent dewspread.

He said he could make do with nigh whatever circumstance if his conscience were to the good, and happenstance went to work on that, probing, running combinations to test the veracity of his statement.

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Treats for the eats and the Intellectual Autobahn of the Dirty South: what we earn and what we get.

*You might say, "one handful of dirt from a naysayer is nothing; let them do it, and see if I care or bother over it."  But what i...