a room with a view of venus

"They" postulate that a winged serpent came from the sky, with great jackflap wings, and laid its eggs beneath a hillside.  It was thought the rulers and priesthood were aided by extraterrestrials, but yet others postulate a seeding of genes that would suggest those classes of people were aliens themselves.  Such an "out of this world" notion may be unthinkable to many, but yet may explain innate knowledge, gene coding errors,  ceremonial carvings that look like astronaut garb, and the masses of human sacrifices on elevations.  Indeed, it was thought human sacrifice was an attempt to get the attention of stellar "gods" above.  Older ideas proclaim that the sacrificed were a kind of gift or offatory ceremony dedicated to the gods, but might those have been an attempt to precipitate enough calamity to draw stellar beings?

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