two kerfluffles in one plastic bag. "reverence and due gravity"

This lady i know was feeling lonely, and had a smart phone at hand.  She put on her make-up and trucker cap, and there was a flood of selfies.

She felt good, for once, and also felt pretty.  She was conscious of her beauty and her ample buttocks.

She put out an open call for companionship, having become narcissistically sexually aroused by her own beauty.

Anyway.  Thing two.  To work out the salvation with fear and trembling;  i work it up to revence and due gravity, such that a life has, a kind of respect, how "fear" in the arcane tongue equates to respect.  It seemed of the covenant with Moses, they didnt stray far from real fear and apprehension, living as it were, in times of old with signs and wonders.

In modernity we have the Holy Spirit, and as is thought, the spirit works through us, its only flesh claim, our actions: to love God as He first loved us.  Prophesying for the benefit of the hearts of the masses.

Working through not terror and threats, but reverance and due gravity, such as is required of diligence done a singular person.  Its nothing more than is steered about by the til of state, the Constitution, George Long translations of great books of antiquity, and us contending within fir our own status as Children of the King.

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