Saint-Senz and the Case of the One-Legged Chicken: A musing on chaplin, moments of clarity, news stuff, your mother, and some other.

A vicious predatory keiler followed the boy in the evening crimson; it was the situation in Timbuktu, Kinchasa, Poughkeepsie.

Being clear headed, I suppose, the recovering addict will tell you, is a blessing itself, while yet others flail headlong into dissipation, disappear into a vapor of something strange: kicks that your parents don't tell you about.

Charles Chaplin himself wrote presciently, that in comparison to a factory job and prison sentence, his hero quite roundly and firmly preferred prison.

Meanwhile, Agua Calicliente knows a guy in New Jersey that shuffles the homeless around to do various works of sundry community good: washing butchered chickens, and biking around the dry cleaning, and some other, as I said, sundry, bloodsweat death roll life-drippings wing sauce of that pronounced markedly orange pallor.

I ate a chicken leg in public.  Because I was hungry, and my blood sugar gave me a pronounced weakness for a moment; rotisserie filled the void nicely.

The say the FBI has that "facial recognition" software.

I almost popped a ball today in my truck, too, almost nicked one off and had the gore sliding down my leg.


To the best of people, and maybe its just an existential contrast to the whole thing, like dog sh*t and tulips or something, but it does seem to contradict, countermand and just generally go the polar exact opposite, so that when she has the dog sled in the Arctic Circle, I'm sitting in my Roald Amundsen off the coast of Antarctica.

As is the old saying, "ne'er the twain", but bull*t, I say, and I kind of want to buzzsaw through any of those hurdles that constrain.

"He said 'bullsh*t'".

"Well she said she had married a monster."

And jumping out of the frying pan, she hiked her shorts up another inch as she was about to land squarely in the fire.

"He had a secret life."

"She was the perfect cheerleader."

To violate her sensibilities, outrage her delicacies with the remnant of a taxidermed squirrel.

Kinchasa, Poughkeepsie, Aurora, Kenosha....

"The Cheddar Melt from the Other Side of the Veldt."


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