Watt? Watt? Did you hear that I hate Nicole?

"They" said some motherfucker at the Horsepital had a collectible watch, a relic from something, and I said, I wasn't worried about that, venture capitalist guys those, putting money in holes and so forth, billing from licensed vendors, like when you get three xray bills from offices you've never heard of, and doctors you've never seen.

I'm letting this motherfuck just come on down.

Fucked if I'm fixing it.

A big crater.

Like the hole, that monument cascading water thing they built as the 9/11 monument.

I was considered, on a listing site, without my consent, to be a 9/11 expert, and yet the most I ever did was critique media pieces about 9/11, making me, not an expert, but a critic.

Anyway, between the gourmet food in the guts, and the little flacid metrosexual peckermeat, dude had giant white cross belt buckle, and the world's biggest whore was staring at me.

I say worlds biggest whore, I couldn't prove it, she didn't do me, but I suppose mathematically, if she balled everyone but me, she's a pretty big slut.

And I suppose the correct terminology is slut, because whores demand payment.  That one doesn't do that.

Its more for the thrill of the chase, the carrot dangling in front of the nose, the raw chicken held up for the gator, or the porkchop for the greyhound.

Migrants will be streaming over the border, as the say.  "Open Borders" you know, and all that, just watching the whole thing writhe and turmoil amongst itself, stumble-mouthed and all.

How about some hot chips you cocksucker lesbian cumrag?

How about an insensate cunt-rind that just sits there polluting the air?  Does it matter how they couch these asinine debates?

And for those that missed the earlier iteration of the blog, I reiterate that well-worn refrain:

"Eat shit and die, Nicole Wallace."

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