Intermezzo: Peer Gynt Suite "The Funeral of Ase".

Catch a quart of crick water before I get back to the field, boss.  Done got me a Mason jar with a handkerchief over the top of it.

I was looking stupidly, unclearly, at Toni Breadinger's times, and said, "where's Brandon Gaughan?"  "How fast is that thing?"  "Lap time?" "Sector Three?" Like I cared, but part of me was still parsing at the particulars of the Uranus turn.

What distant thunder?  What skies and what deeps?

When that of no consequence uptakes consequences of its own accord, and then manifests the impetus to participation in the universe, as if by magic or sheer force of will--why some people would have other people picking door locks with the little plastic nubs at the ends of their shoelaces.

In such a spot, that blemish on my china-bowls.

The More You Know.

I'm the reason Oprah won't marry Steadman.

Interloper, carpet bagger, me, of Mesach Shadrach and Abednego, tossed at once by a mad king into the fiery furnace, Belshezzar to turn up against everything but porridge, a pure Communista, at once to both walk the best halls, but then also poach in the king's forests.

"I'm not Democrat.  I'm democratic, as of little dee.  Would you like to examine the principle, and weigh the matter such that the better of all values takes precedence?"

Solon, they say, set those principles about in old Athens, and they tried to uphold, but still, there was political aristocracy, and various trappings of wealth, privilege, and Socrates pestering the cold-moor sh*t out of the supposedly learned in the populace.

In the eyes of what monster did those wings unfurl?

Did who made thee smile his work to see?

At the touch of a hand.

Knowing is the halfness of the battle, and the shelf-life of knowledge is beyond the breadth of eternity.

I thought at once, of the realm politic, Eric Holder bears a resemblance to Steadman, hilariously so, and James Comey looks like that guy that ran the FBI for Bush 43.  One of those they insinuated was racist, you know, "dog whistle from the left" and all.

We are all, all of us, decent people here, of course.

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