Joyce Meyer, "the four hundred pennies".


"It seem to me: the more effort you put into it, the more you get out of it."

-Joyce Meyer.

This dovetails back to the unexpected total of four hundred pennies.

As per a recent them, I questioned the validity of our goals, such as to wonder if we were directing our efforts towards the wrong goals.  Gary Vee ( notes that so much of us today are oriented towards our little victories on social media.

Social media is just a tool.

Social media is just a piece.

Social media is just a supplement, and not a lifeline, to the outside world, respective of circumstances.

Gary Vee himself became a millionaire from social media.  As he says, "I didn't go out and buy a f*cking Bugatti; I took the money and hired a staff."  He used initial success to bolster a successful ongoing model, and now he lends his advice in the form of conferences.

The ongoing model was his goal, and he made it work.  He built a team around it.

Truly, as the adage, 80% of our outcomes are determined by 20% of our efforts; but cumulatively, its like the snowball thundering down the mountain, growing larger and larger.  If we support an orientation in general towards success, happiness, and health, if we do that in total sum of our smaller action, then each little piece is one of those four hundred pennies.  Trimming toe nails.  Nourishing the skin.  Taking one less cookie.  Deciding to take the stairs instead of the elevator on a side trip.  Or a stray kind word to a casual acquaintance on social media.

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