The Unsearchable Riches of the Universe, and "tomorrow is assumed". From some Descartes and Alan Watts.

We cannot see God.  

We cannot see empty air.

Only now does physical science acknowledge that empty air is not just "empty air", and this some decades after marking "quantum entanglement".  It's tantalizing, that something over here would change and that change effects something "over there", and now we begin to square the circle by acknowledging that the empty air is not simply empty air, but various substances.  This is just as "air" in the average, has so much of various elements; pure oxygen is actually detrimental to life. 

Part of this came from Alan Watts giving some musing rooted in Quantum Mechanics and classical theology, the brilliant mind parsing the world around him; why simply to ask an intelligent questions marks intelligence, it would seem, and the unsearchable riches of the universe, can have phantom analogues in the minds of the old-school philosopher: those who love knowledge.

We have the beginnings of a "transmission matrix", something of a vibration along various dimensions of the universe, and at the same time, I watch Vinco, Inc(BBIG) grow stupendously, and I anticipate a ceiling.

But how?


Who?  Various purchases of corporate shares, as the price grows, continued purchases, and then the populace common notices and gets in on it.  At that point growth becomes exponential.  BBIG(NYSE) sits on either selling-off its assets to that first acquirer, or growing more the increased capital value of shares.

By that same token, one might sense something "over there", just as plainly as if it were the nose on his face.  Meanwhile, 1%-10% invested in precious metals, that which is agreed-upon in the market to have value, shiny things treasured since time immemorial.

This was as per the older notion of the woman being given jewelry, but not simply to present a comely figure, not all, per se.  This was in part, privately, her own personal savings account, this "static wealth", the trinket in the box in the backroom, as it were.  Just as Grandpa carried that one seemingly insignificant silver dollar in his pocket for over a decade; a wedding gift that became his savings account, that humble coin.  By that same sentimental respect, worth so much more to me for its provenance than any bag filled with Morgans that I could buy on Ebay.

Marxism?  The treasuring of filth objects--waste materials?

There is one who makes a very prosperous living pointing at people he disagrees with and yelling "Marxist!"; they pay him well for his inane ramblings, less instructive than in part entertaining, as they say, "train wreck tv", the "complaint box news network".

We have the value of specie, commentary, and what then of the humble thoughts of Alan Watts?  There are archiving expenses to his material, and what is doled out freely is but a tantalizing taste of his catalogue; there is an "everything" lecture package which calls out to me from across the void.

As of Vinco and Quantum Entanglement, a disparate investor starting a feeding frenzy on the common shares, as such, a singular speck of molecule demanding before the universe a response to its own telemetry, and Vinco profiting from this; why it was almost like the Marxist fearmonger peddling his books on a news program, in the sense that it was elements calling out.

Our certainties are something of an intuition, maybe something of "extra sensory", maybe, or just a perception of an analog system jiggering and rejiggering, a system in which we are all constituent parts.

Descartes' Uncertainty and Relativism:

Some years past I perceived how many Falsities I admitted as Truths in my Younger years, and how Dubious those things were which I raised from thence; and therefore I thought it requisite (if I had a designe to establish any thing that should prove firme and permanent in sciences) that once in my life I should clearly cast aside all my former opinions, and begin a new from some First principles. But this seemed a great Task, and I still[2] expected that maturity of years, then which none could be more apt to receive Learning; upon which Account I waited so long, that at last I should deservedly be blamed had I spent that time in Deliberation which remain’d only for Action.

This day therefore I conveniently released my mind from all cares, I procured to my self a Time Quiet, and free from all Business, I retired my self Alone; and now at length will I freely and seriously apply my self to the General overthrow of all my former Opinions.

We have but to look to the void, the unsearchable wealth of the universe, its empty breadth, to discover so much that has been overlooked and bypassed in our science.  We ask a question, but do we seek an answer, or do we ruminate to ourselves, and then that universal intuition, as we are, but one element in a superset of things--one element can be effected by the other, and when our turn, an answer to any question affected, as much as answers could be self-evident, or a product of sort of a long-term processing "in the background".

Such that Watts said "time is an illusion", hinting that all is but tricks of perception, the past, a memory of Now, and Now is whatever point we are on in the line, and the future is just a prediction, a projection based on various aspects, such that "tomorrow is assumed".

So to recap:

"The past is a memory of Now."


"Tomorrow is assumed."

"I discarded my prior notions."

"1%-10% in precious metals."

"Jewelry is like a savings account."

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