Productivity: Sessioning and the Pomodoro Method

Under the Pomodoro Method, one works say 20-25 minutes, followed by a break of 5-10 minutes.  After two hours, a slightly larger break of say 15 minutes, just like in many modern workplaces.  This has proven, over time, reasonably effective at keeping "the workforce" productive.(Incidentally, this corresponds to study advice as well, where one takes a few minutes after that increment to, if nothing else, at least rest the eyes.)

In a loose and informal office environment, one might browse the web during that break, or get a refill of coffee, or even smoke a cigarette outdoors.  However, in more formal settings, one is basically chained to his or her desk, and might opt to sneak in a game of Solitaire on the pc or something.

What I like to do is pack that session, that 20-25 minutes, as much as I can.  Think of it: its like bundling high-power electrical wires together, one gets sort of a maximal value for his time.

During the break in the session, I find myself packing stuff in my mind for the next session, as it is about to begin.

Maybe it just a fad that I caught onto, but it helps me, and if you find it too unwieldy or cumbersome for your own workflow, then by all means shun it.  One has to do service to his own workflow, and you know, better than anyone else, what works for you.

But I just love to think I have that "session" sometime, that 20-25 minutes where I might toggle between text editors and email apps, and some other, and then do posts on the social media side.

A good session.

All that said, mine typically are stopped organically, meaning I'm not on a timer, but stopping when the work is done.  I find its usually either 20 minutes or 35 minutes, my sessions that I let go on as they will.

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