Eternity, the void of our own reflections, a bruise on space time, and the obsolescence of the spirit in autumn/fall scenery.


To test many things, some watch youtube videos or tik yok, while others measure and form hypothesis; yet to test eternity we have but to ignorantly leap into it with an unguarded heart.

The void we leap into is actually our lives. The hopes and anxieties and so forth are generated within each of us and dictate our perspective so often without reflecting the reality of any given situation.

"We could live like other people."

"We're not other people...."

We are perhaps, a bruise upon the space time continuum, on a hard little rock of iron careening around and around a giant bonfire of radiation and magnetic particles.

Me or thee?

To the learning of, and the testing of, many things, and the awareness, Socratic, of things of which we are not aware, the sensation of a larger universe, and no end to learning and eternal trek of neuroplasticity in which we form new pathways in the brain, that feeling, as good as drugs or sex or other dissipations; while the western world watches Disney movies, we careen onward into, over, under and through old books(no Youtube video Cliff-Notes versions),

and we hasten, but also idle, too, to experience the world in it's original Shakespeare.

A lusterous, somber, sleepy change of seasons which brings beautiful reading weather, and beautiful weather for mid-afternoon walks; indeed, in the Western world, such is in part owned by Robert Frost, speaking a double-talk of his classroom charges and family, afternoon loafing, ambling, excursions into something nearly mystical--the Ruysbroeck of New England, Maugham's poet rusting away in happiness.  At once Poet Laureate of the entire United States during the era of the Kennedy dynasty.

Why, other than the leaves falling, under an overcast day, it's silent as a tomb, a silence otherwise spared for the hours before hurricanes in the Southeast, that quietness, and the birds gone away.

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