Mysticism: spatial dimensions of the discorporate, and ethereal.

"The divine texts are a map of human consciousness." 

Readily apparent, at hand, is the divine nature which abrandons the body and untethers itself from such trivial, droll mundane concerns that assail in the physical.  We coalesce as the flatulence of cows, ascending towards that better and more permanent part, the quiddity of the physicality of man encapsulates the lesser sort of things, things which niggle, and bother merely elapses as the floating of our spiritual wings within spatial dimensions, as yet, sensed, but unseen.

As to pull a seem off a pants leg, like a youngling, and rambunctiously compass the great river of time: ethereal, a hoar.

(As of virtue, in the prior installment, arts speaks to the pleasing, the beautiful, as per Emerson.)

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