Until all or one: pressing towards the mark.

“Real wealth is poverty set to the Law of Nature.” -Epicurus

Been put upon?

Preyed upon?

Set upon?

Made sport of?

You may have heard about….

You might tell yourself that you want to become a better Christian, or that you want to be closer to God: the riddle is that the very unction itself means you become, upon that wish, both a better Christian and closer to God, as well: because those two desires are the supreme motivations of all Christians.  

And not only do they want those two things, but more and more; their virtue is that very thirst for the Divine—that cosmological thread that binds us and calls down to us in the form of that old German paraphrase, “Gott”, or the Ancient Hebrew word, “YHWH”.

By participating in the promise, our faith establishes access to that same grace in which we now stand, and we rejoice in hope bearing witness to the glory of God.

~believe as hard as you can in the power of kindness, and yet, be prepared for mischief. Do not become so hostile that you become those who hurt you in the beginning. And you will find there are times when that Inner Citadel has not "angry torch-wielding villagers" at the gates, but one awaiting entry in whom you are emotionally invested.

~we celebrate irregardless of sufferings, knowing that suffering creates fortitude, and fortitude nourishes character, and character glows the light of hope, and hope banishes disappointment, because the love of God is within our hearts through the spirit which has been imparted to each of us.

~instead of recalling being set upon, put upon, made sport of: remember who helped when you needed them.

Sincerely and without a shred of personal dignity, in consideration of the avid reader: The one they call “The Rone Langer” from a mountain endowed with everyday mystical wonder that some sneer at as common “magic”.  We are all—each one--miracles.


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