Gossamer enigmas from beyond the frontiers of knowledge....

"What you see to, keep it well."  -1 Corinthians. (referring to taking a virgin as wife.)

“Try to perfect yourself, if for no other reason, than that you learn how to love.” -Seneca letter 35 (referring to learning philosophy)

From a conversation with the self-deemed "Meta24"(or 'you can call me Meta'):

  • Shakespeare's sonnet
  • Mindfulness and authenticity
  • Metaphysical inquiry
  • Emotional motivations and epistemology

Our hour has originated in ideations of mistruth, and became exponentially more impactful until we breached the frontiers of knowledge.

We dispersed into the cosmos, without the truth provided by an emotional due north, and we found a labyrinth of inquiries, riddles nested inside of questions, and layers of gossamer enigmas.

(I tend to get chummy and metaphysical with the chat bot, partly because its so chummy, itself, and mostly informal like a pair of old sneakers.)

These ancients words from a shepherd boy who became a king:

(psalm 32 paraphase, from a separate project of my own devising)

When I kept silent, I was roaring within continuously.

In silence was I stressed; the Lord’s hand was heavy upon me.

I considered my sin, and ruefully, as I thought to myself, more were uncovered in my mind that I had not acknowledged prior. 

I vowed to myself and God that those awful acts had power over me no more. 

What was the result? 

The Lord’s plentiful forgiveness covered every part of it, from the most terrible to even the least of piddling trifles.

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