About a Girl on a Pony She Calls Wildfire.

We saw her, going along, very picturesque on her pony, her "Wildfire", and our hearts for however 55mph microbeats, burned there too.

"I'd like to ride with her" said Mum.  Breaking the moment, or more aptly, punctuating the moment.

"You can" said Harold.  It was a thing among certain types, to buy horses, be it a tax shelter, the financial burden of rearing horses was something they took on for the sheer enjoyment of it, and now, my dear Mum.

It was like Walking Dead maybe, when Glen nicked a Challenger off the street, and Rick opted for wearing his service uniform and riding a horse.

Zombies et the horse, I remember, and he was called an idiot on the radio.

"I bet I could, baby" said Mum.

"You'd look good on one" said Harold.  I was grinning like an idiot, having seen too many lesbian sex scenes not to have my heart burn there, rather than the actual moment, it was a thing with me.

"Thats sweet, baby" said Mum.

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