Halloween film kerfluffle 2022.

Underneath the shelter

where the snowflakes fall like rain...

Seed your love and reap the girlwind.

So.  Its Halloween season again, and genius cable executives book the actual Halloween films, while some yet book Friday the 13th.  I caught a brief glimpse of the Last House remake the other day, with Monica Potter being just a shade too sexy to play a mum, but I watched anyway, and the man was like, "I'm easy."  And I said, they obviously worked on this script a while.

It's like rubbing Ivermectin on your private parts, below the beltline.

Anyway, its been a tradition that I would happen upon Friday the 13th sometime on Oct 31, but its already been on, on the 27th, and now I wonder.  I was finding it on AMC, but they did it early this year, like a run-up to the season.  I hope they dont have a Walking Dead thing planned, cause that's just a soap opera with some top notch zombie stuff thrown in.  George said it was a soap opera, and I new it, it was more about nasty people fighting at one another, which ironically was what Videohound said of one of his sequels, "the humans are too nasty to care about this time around."

But I liked the dude that wanted to go on vacation.  Drinking liquor.  In a giant cave.  In a lawn chair, in that cave, drinking liquor, talking about going on a long vacation.  The dead had destroyed mankind, and he was just pissed off about having to still go to work.  Lol.

And from another side, I was just getting these vibes, like people glad you're not monking-up with your own discourse, that just that little bit of positivity can sustain a person.

"You doing good?" 


"Then I'm doing good."

Of the life vicarious, without connection it turns into a kind of flagrant morbidity, but then again, its the season, and the harvest greenery is coming in all around.  I had two forms of autumn greens last few weeks, and I thought they were both pretty good, though only one was bought specifically local, the other a kind of prewashed bagged thing with me crunching dirt crusties.

For once I've done something original, something by accident providential for my own person.  Helped with something that wasn't advised, something that wasn't the prescribed path to success, but something novel, something quite new.

Even nature thumbs its nose at the media and the constant roil of selling, the ever helpful advertisements.  For instance, I landed on an Alphabet site for free courses, and it redirected to Coursera, where I would have to pay 50$ a month.  The free part was a seven day trial period.

The time they wasted of mine wasn't free, however.

I noticed Amazon had priced some print material lower than the corresponding digital versions.  Immediately, in a show of good will, I passed over all of it without choosing a version for myself.

There was a dog barking at the moon

Homebound number nine

I planted my love and then sat under the shade tree it grew.

I remember Peter Jordan preaching to the wife beaters, and how he wore that serape like he was cold, it was a Mexican's version of Grandma's old knitted shawl, not a prayer shawl, not a dreamcatcher either, but something of a barrier between thee and me, and so forth, as if to say, steely-eyed, "my horse wouldn't like you laughing" and then the laughter turns to sharp gun blasts.


Orange you glad you put your love in your mouth

and shouted absurdities to stymie the m all.

Seed your love and collect the harvest.

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