Aquinas and apologetics and spiritual fathers. On challenging atheists to disprove God.

I was listening to a thing about Aquinas, the first article in the Summa, on proofs of God, with argument, counter-argument, and a proposed resolution.  Rather, I think I would start challenging the doubters to disprove God, for my Theology is strong; He has done and continues to do, to work, to move, in and out of our persons for the good of all, not just one: and the apologist point that "i have good plans for you", and then with catastrophe try God's love on them.

I would challenge them to affect a counter to God, if they disbelieve.

My own spiritual father suffered the death of a daughter, in the bloom of her life, the girl well-loved certainly, and the family wounded, but strong, came back together mostly.

The fate of his daughter gave the Christian testimony of my spiritual father a gravity, a hard pull.  I observed of what remained, they were examples, and mostly doing well, trying well, living well, and loving well.

Such that one event pulls some more than a dozen people into a better life.  What then is that one event, when so much good results?

I noted of my own, watching the Prime Movers disappear, the Greatest Generation, and active and generative among the others disappear, does it not kick us in our complacency and call us to better?

Well some of us.  

Maybe the others just morn the past.

Its like staying awake in the night, and missing the morning for something that no longer exists.  Why, we can only make do with what we have, and we are afforded few enough opportunities to reach past our own spot at the dinner table, are we not?

Not life, as the Bible says, but Life more abundantly.

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