Deity and the Tao, and how odd it sounds explaining to the non contemplative.

So, in the indeterminate fog between heart and mind lies the Tao, and the Tao is basically an expression not of doubt, but an expression of God.

Follow me on this.

God is not "indefinite", for whatever the word connotates, indefinite, for that seems to imply limitation, but more aptly defying human understanding, at the absolute infinite best, most wise, most connected and so forth.  Think of this indefinite quality as an infinity, a superlative that we can point to, but in no way define.

A however vague perception of God, with a complete lack of apprehending a qualification or quantification is the Tao, that foggy concept that we can give a name, but not totally grasp: we can point in its general direction, we can say what it is not, but that's as far as our definitions find purchase.

We only approach this through a synthesis, a process, the faculty of the emotional sensibility and actual sensory input, along with all the benefit of our experience, along with the rational mind: a heart and mind process.  Kant's synthesis of induction and deduction thoughts both readily apparent, and thoughts we come to after some deliberation.

Deliberation on God, the synthetic process of "heart and mind" then, is what so many call "contemplation"; I had a rumination in a doctor's office just yesterday about this, about God and threads that hold us all together.  The doctor admitted confusion at my statement, and in that, I thought maybe I had not been clear enough in my words, that it was my fault.

Consider I was expressing something of the Tao, something that perturbs understanding, and give me the benefit of not, upon an improvised prompt, explaining the ties that bind life and reality all together.  No one has ever crossed this threshold, be it a philosopher, theologian, or preacher.


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