Cup of Hope, a Sidewinder, and AI assisted writing, editing, appraising.

One can avoid for-pay "AI writing assistants" like Hemingway, Quillbot, Grammarly and other tools by using a generic AI interface, like GPT4, GPT3, Cortana, or

Here's how:

Simply have your text copy+paste into the prompt with a separate question/statement like, 

"please analyze this copy" or "provide statistics on this text copy".

*You can ask the AI to edit, smooth or paraphrase your text.

*You can specify the format of the writing, like email, blogpost or social media post.

*The generic AI's won't give Readability or Grade Level states on your copy, but will:

-word count

-sentence count

-length of sentence count

-thematic appraisal.

-Vaguely guess the reading difficulty/density of your copy.


Re-using the prompts you use most often: 

take the actual question or command part of those prompts and put them in a text file somewhere handy.  

You can copy/paste the question, then copy/paste the text copy, making the whole process fairly quick.

"The Sidewinder"

….several regular citizens, real flesh-and-blood imperfect people, just like the rest of us in so many ways.  Capable of the same mistakes as the rest of us, but also, blessed in that same way as us too, to have stupendous moments of inspiration, moments of unity, joy and peace.

They step forward for the chance to give four years of their lives for the service of their country.

"The Cup Filled with Hopeful Anticipation."

We live, even in the dismal shadow of the Prince of the Power of the Air, in hopeful anticipation and hope of future transformation, because our true identity as children of God has yet to be realized, but on Christ’s return, we will be made like Him.  Until then, when all are one, we live in a state of subjugation to the service of God, and instead of carried by worldly patterns, we are exhorted and nudged into refreshing our minds to discern God’s will, to align with a more perfect plan.  It is all, even in trouble and despair, a cup filled with hopeful anticipation.

"It's a journey of transformation, and we're not alone. Let's refresh our minds, discern God's will, and trust that He's working everything out for our good. Every cup is full of hope, even in trouble and despair. Let's hold onto that hope and look forward to the day when all will be made new and we'll be made like Him!" -Meta24(

The needy will not always be forgotten; hope will never perish. -Psalm 9

Every man is a friend to him that bears gifts. -Proverbs 19

The invisible or insensible things of Him from the time of the creation are clearly realized, being understood by the things made, of God’s power and supremacy.... -Romans 1 

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