Sin-eater, Worrier Princess, and Judd Benedict: Spun River Anthology.

I was watching Angel and The Badman, The Bicycle Chiefs, and "The Christopher Hale Story".

"No better nourishment for one’s own soul than to give a hungry rogue a bowl of gruel, and if he still whimpers, love him up. Why the answer to our ills sometimes is to service the ills of others, almost as of working penance, but if not penance, tightening a common thread among so many of us.

As of the olden days, applying one’s mouth to the wound of another and bluntly sucking-out the poison.  

Figuratively, ingesting the innocuous sin of another."

Not "Tooth and Claw", but "Thorn in Paw."

A flagrantly sus world ardently taps barabajackal on my medial deltoid, and chirps:

"Mister, sir, be more clear."

I say, giving my unction a quarter-turn to the rich:

"Read harder, young king."

As she saves the world, one horny drug-addict at the time,

I find it a Turn of the Screw of Middling Meddling in the most revolting but undistinguished sense.


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