"injuctional ignominy", and the reek inheriting the mirth: a word to the prokopton Lucius.

I mention something to you, on your love of ships and funky little boat races and so forth.  Good fun for what as always appears an innocent king made more of for lack of his own chattel and ribald stains—in that same sense, I knew a Pentacostal church, the only one among them who happened to understand Romans 5-7 was made the leader of the church, and trusted thenceforth in all matters.  Or in my own background, as a prokopton novice, made a Sunday school teacher after only several months of Biblical readings.

Of the ship we are told two things of particular peculiar individual import:

*Even the mightiest of vessels is turned, and easily so, by the tiniest of tillers.

“Stonn, it is not logical, but it is often true.”

Such is, as in Christology, the “meek inheriting the earth”, or in other parlance, “the mouse that roared”, the forgotten and shed having a go at the high poo-bah muck-a-muck, why, it is the forgotten and ignored having a go at posterity, a distinguishment or extinguishment, no obligation per injuctional ignominy.  We shall all someday.  

Or better yet, the absolute salad bar among us shall have some of the most important and opportune moments in which all depends upon that unique dismal bleating of the least among common denominators.

A stray word may indeed set to rights entire paragraphs, books, or yet further, full libraries—or yet bring ruin much beyond proportion.

*In the similar fashion of the jelly-neck, doing a kind of turkey periscopic turning even to perforate himself along the peripheral.  Such a simple spit of minutia turns so much, as of the chickens and the red wheelbarrow.  Provenance being reductioned down to the full of awe status of the Preacher Bird and deep fried Muggelfish:

We are bidden also to remain near that great ship, because we know not when fate and destiny may once more call us to accounting—that is the second part, and from Epictetus the slave philosopher.

“Hark, hark, tis the quartermaster sounding!”   It is not to be deferred or ignored, by choice or circumstance, when every particle of the body is in abeyance to the universe.

Adieu, mon ami, garcon, Lucius: both a youngard, and a king.  Cheap-skate.  Gentleman.  Prokopton.  Magnamity.  Eudaimonia. Equinimity.


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